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Our masseurs

Our masseurs

Sándor Kilencz

Every human’s main desire is to find an occupation that is well aligned with the balance of their lives. As I started to work as a massage therapist, all the feedbacks from my early clients made obvious that I’m on the right path, the one I have to continue, where I can grow.

I wanted to do something that I can contribute on, making better the way that someone feels, where I’m possibly able to add value to.

Started my career at the International Massage Academy where upon acquiring knowledge on Swedish massage I’ve graduated as a health and sports masseur.

Practical work upon my studies – between 2017-18 have been completed at the National Rheumatologic and Physiotherapic Institute.

In 2019 I’ve participated at the sports manual therapy of Michal Vékáš, where I’ve got to know Mr John Gibbons, the osteopathic lecturer of Oxford University. Currently I’m undertaking a very complex, 10 sessions based Bodymaster method course that has been elaborated by him. This course covers a complete, summary of treatment of movement system.

I’m also a member of the Hungarian Chamber of Healthcare Workers.

My operational record number given by National Public Health Care Center is.: 255811



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